How To Benchmark DigitalOcean Volumes

Introduction Benchmarking allows you to estimate infrastructure performance so that you can determine whether or not a particular setup can serve your workload needs. This is an important component of maintaining high server performance and scaling to meet growing computing needs. With benchmark testing, you can monitor server resources, optimize for performance, manage utilization, and Read more about How To Benchmark DigitalOcean Volumes[…]

How To Use Alertmanager And Blackbox Exporter To Monitor Your Web Server On Ubuntu 16.04

Introduction When problems arise, sending alerts to the appropriate team significantly speeds up identifying the root cause of an issue, allowing teams to resolve incidents quickly. Prometheus is an open-source monitoring system that collects metrics from your services and stores them in a time-series database. Alertmanager is a tool for processing alerts, which de-duplicates, groups, Read more about How To Use Alertmanager And Blackbox Exporter To Monitor Your Web Server On Ubuntu 16.04[…]

Como Configurar Chaves SSH no Ubuntu 18.04

Introdução SSH, ou shell seguro, é um protocolo criptografado usado para administrar e comunicar com servidores. Ao trabalhar com um servidor Ubuntu, é provável que você passe a maior parte do tempo em uma sessão de terminal, conectado ao seu servidor através do SSH. Neste guia, vamos focar na configuração de chaves SSH para uma Read more about Como Configurar Chaves SSH no Ubuntu 18.04[…]

Como Instalar o MySQL no Ubuntu 18.04

Uma versão anterior desse tutorial foi escrita por Hazel Virdó Introdução MySQL é um sistema de gerenciamento de banco de dados open-source, comumente instalado como parte da popular pilha LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP/Python/Perl). Ele utiliza um banco de dados relacional e SQL (Linguagem de Consulta Estruturada) para gerenciar seus dados. A versão curta da Read more about Como Instalar o MySQL no Ubuntu 18.04[…]

Como instalar a pilha Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP (LAMP) no Ubuntu 18.04

Introdução A pilha “LAMP” é um grupo de softwares open source que é tipicamente instalado em conjunto para permitir a um servidor hospedar websites dinâmicos e aplicações web. Este termo é atualmente um acrônimo que representa o sistema operacional Linux, com o servidor web Apache. A informação do site é armazenada em uma base de Read more about Como instalar a pilha Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP (LAMP) no Ubuntu 18.04[…]

How To Install Java with `apt` on Ubuntu 18.04

The author selected the Open Internet/Free Speech Fund to receive a $100 donation as part of the Write for DOnations program. Introduction Java and the JVM (Java’s virtual machine) are required for many kinds of software, including Tomcat, Jetty, Glassfish, Cassandra and Jenkins. In this guide, you will install various versions of the Java Runtime Read more about How To Install Java with `apt` on Ubuntu 18.04[…]

How To Install and Use PostgreSQL on Ubuntu 18.04

A previous version of this tutorial was written by Justin Ellingwood. Introduction Relational database management systems are a key component of many web sites and applications. They provide a structured way to store, organize, and access information. PostgreSQL, or Postgres, is a relational database management system that provides an implementation of the SQL querying language. Read more about How To Install and Use PostgreSQL on Ubuntu 18.04[…]

How to Deploy Elixir-Phoenix Applications with MySQL on Ubuntu 16.04

The author selected to receive a $300 donation as part of the Write for DOnations program. Introduction In the tutorial How to Automate Elixir Phoenix Deployment with Distillery and edeliver, you created a Phoenix application without a database and deployed it to a production server with edeliver. Most real-world applications require a database which Read more about How to Deploy Elixir-Phoenix Applications with MySQL on Ubuntu 16.04[…]

Understanding Classes in JavaScript

Introduction JavaScript is a prototype-based language, and every object in JavaScript has a hidden internal property called [[Prototype]] that can be used to extend object properties and methods. You can read more about prototypes in our Understanding Prototypes and Inheritance in JavaScript tutorial. Until recently, industrious developers used constructor functions to mimic an object-oriented design Read more about Understanding Classes in JavaScript[…]

Best Practices for Performance on DigitalOcean Load Balancers

DigitalOcean Load Balancers are a fully-managed, highly available service that distributes incoming traffic to pools of Droplets. Here are some recommendations on how to get the best performance from your Load Balancers based on your use case and application architecture. In addition to the recommendations below, our update to Load Balancers in May 2018 included Read more about Best Practices for Performance on DigitalOcean Load Balancers[…]