How To Use the Redis One-Click Application

Redis is a scalable in-memory key-value store that excels at caching. DigitalOcean’s Redis One-Click application allows you to quickly spin up a Droplet with Redis pre-installed. It aims to help get your application off the ground quickly.

## Creating Your Redis Droplet

You can launch a new Redis instance by selecting **Redis on 14.04** from the Applications menu during Droplet creation:


Once you have created the Droplet, connect to it via the web-based console in the DigitalOcean control panel or SSH:

ssh root@your.ip.address

## Accessing Redis

Your Redis instance will be available at `` It is bound to the localhost by default and its configuration details can be found in `/etc/redis/redis.conf`. To connect to Redis’s interactive shell, simply run:


## Securing And Accessing Remotely

### Enabling Authentication

Before allowing remote access to your Redis database, it is recommended to enable password authentication. To do so, open its configuration file located in `/etc/redis/redis.conf` and append a line beginning with “requirepass” and followed by your password. For example:

requirepass your_redis_password

In order for this to take effect, you must first restart Redis with:

sudo service redis restart

To verify that authentication has been enabled, enter the shell with `redis-cli` and attempt to run a query. You should be presented with an error:

CONFIG GET databases
(error) NOAUTH Authentication required.

To provide the password you set, run:

AUTH your_redis_password

After authentication has been enabled, you will also need to update the init script to use it. In the file `/etc/init.d/redis`, find the line:


and change it to:

CLIEXEC=/usr/local/bin/redis-cli -a your_redis_password

### Enabling Remote Access

In order to enable access over the internet, comment out the line beginning with `bind` in `/etc/redis/redis.conf`. Find this:


and change it to this:

# bind

Then restart Redis to enable the change.

sudo service redis restart

Now you can connect to your Redis instance from a remote host using the command:

redis-cli -h redis_ip_address -p 6379 -a your_redis_password

### Additional Security Steps

In addition to enabling authentication, setting up a firewall that only allows remote connections from specific IP addresses is a good security measure to implement. Managing an IP Tables firewall is [made easy using UFW on Ubuntu]( The following commands will erect a firewall which allows all outgoing connections from your server but only allow incoming connections via SSH or from the specified IP address (

sudo apt-get install ufw
sudo ufw default deny incoming
sudo ufw default allow outgoing
sudo ufw allow ssh
sudo ufw allow from
sudo ufw enable

For additional security recommendations, see [Redis’s security docs](

## Further Information

The One-Click application simply provides you with Redis as a pre-installed base. It’s up to you how you want to use it. Whether you are building out a cluster or you simply want to use it as a local cache for an app on the same host, we have a number of tutorials which should point you in the right direction:

* [How To Configure a Redis Cluster on Ubuntu 14.04](

* [How To Configure Redis Caching to Speed Up WordPress on Ubuntu 14.04](
Source: DigitalOcean News